Our Mission 

"Scientific knowledge should be used only to promote the dignity and preserve  the integrity and the future of man, but no-one can hinder the acquisition  of scientific knowledge." 

(Universal Movement for Scientific Responsibility, Propostion to add a new Article to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

The objective of the Academy is the promotion of innovations in basic,applied and transdisciplinary research and the development of science (scientific development) which could lead to effective and efficient problem solving in the 21 century.

Our priorities are:

  • to reinforce awarness of scientific responsibility and the social responsiblities of scientists;
  • to develope and support new international, trans- and interdisciplinary approaches;
  • to increase the effectiveness of scientific research (better governance of science);
  • to support a humanitarian approach to science;
  • scientific cooperations between the industrialized and the developing countries;
  • cooperations between scientists and political decision making bodies and support of scientific research;
  • integration of philosophical and ethical subjects into scientific education;
  • to promote public scientific and political discussions on the role of science and future developments.
  • to promote an optimal integration of scientific, public and political goals.
Picture: Scientific Cooperation Contract IAS with China